Thursday, June 5, 2014

Grazing in the Grass

Dear Bloggers,

         Sorry I have been away for over 3 months. I truly am sorry. I have returned with a possibly delicious meal, if it soothes your savory tooth. A pulled slow-cooked beef with a mound of garlic mashed potatoes. There is nothing complicated about this dish, except the plating.

        To begin, take your pound of beef stew and dry rub it with salt and pepper. Leave it in the fridge to marinate over night. Then, wake up the next morning and toss it in the slow cooker with a bag of frozen pearl onions. Add 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar, 1 cup of water, and 1/4 cup of brown sugar. Cook it on low until you get home from work or you can do this step over-night. In a separate pot, boil some yellow potatoes with 2 bay leaves and a generous tablespoon of salt. Let that cook until they are fork tender, then mash them with 2 teaspoons of freshly grate garlic. Once the beef is cooked, simply pull it apart. It should fall apart once cooked, so there really isn't that much work to do. Plate however you'd like, but top with fresh green onion. Until next week, stay healthy and happy cooking!